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Cleaning is a family business.
Let us introduce you to a small family on a big mission - to make a world better place and free from toxic chemicals.

As a young student of agronomy, Davor decided that everything he does in life would be far from artificial pesticides, fertilizers, and chemicals that are widely used. He rather sat on a bike and pedal in Dalmatia during summer, cultivated tomatoes on the balcony and tested his natural cleaners in old student apartments. Cleaners passed the test “day after” sweeping traces of good fun, spilled drinks, food residue and many prints.

Meanwhile, Vedrana, Davor’s sister, became a mother of two sweetest little philosophers. Uncle Davor was often a nanny, and when was asked to help with kids his most common response was: “Feel free to come! I'm just cleaning the house!” And that's how the idea was born - cleaning that doesn't require evacuation of the whole family because it's natural, without artificial chemicals and synthetic fragrances that brings tears to your eyes.

pero® laboratory created products as strong as a lion, and as gentle as a feather. They clean fast with no need for additional flushing of toxic chemicals.